Title: Energy Bull
The following question came up the other day. At what point is it okay to say “No” to someone who invades your space? Everything has been going well for you. You are doing your own work and moving forward with your projects. All of a sudden someone else simply steps on your mood and flow. They become a “Bull in your China Shop!” Their energy is clumsy and cumbersome. They are not trying to hurt you but their energy is moving you off of your path.
You have every right to be angry and get upset with that person. You also have every right to be a people pleaser and allow them to walk all over you. Yet from a happiness perspective what if these Bulls are simply appearing to make you reevaluate something in your life? What if they can help you to clarify your perspective? What if you already moved past something that you had not completely addressed and cleaned up, but now have to work on some more? Why not do the work that needs to be addressed, otherwise you simply become a Bull in someone else’s China Shop.