Sharing Your Experience and Knowledge
First Responder communities have an ever growing reliance on online resources for the tools they can use to keep their people safe as well as exceptional training programs. Many First Responders have launched their own websites/blogs to share their personal experiences with others around the world.
What First Responders need is a platform where they can take these experiences a step further by sharing experiences/knowledge in an active learning process.
Convene First Responders wants to hear your story. We want to become that valuable resource and tool for you to share these experiences in a shared learning scenario based training platform.
Scenario Based Training- It is how we Learn
Have you ever asked the simple question- How would you have handled this situation?
First Responders learn through experience. Scenario Based Training is a way that we can place an individual in a specific situation and allow them to work through the scenario/problem. We all have experiences that are worth sharing that others can learn from. Now we have the ability to share these stories so that others may learn.
As First Responders we thrive for knowledge. No First Responder wants to be the one that has a let down on their shift. Articles about people’s experiences can be found all over the internet, but how can we bring these experiences into an active learning process? The Convene Training app allows you to take your experiences and easily put them into a shared learning database.
Over time we hope to have the largest database of scenarios for first responders in the world. Shared learning is important because we do not all handle a given situation in the same way. As First Responders we have policies, procedures and protocols that provide us guidance, but we also draw from our past when making decisions. We train so that we can simulate these situations prior to facing a decision point in the real world.
You Share and Others Receive – It is a ‘Shift in Culture’
First Responders have a natural thirst for knowledge, and that is why First Responder websites and articles are popular. We hope to take this to the next level by adding in the active learning process. We want to feature your story in a scenario. It is a simple process. You have stories and now others can benefit. It is time for a “shift in training culture”. As First Responders we need to make it acceptable to share. When we share lives can be saved!
Do you have a website? Do you blog? We want to share your content.