Convene Soccer is A Training Environment That Fills A Need in an Affordable Way The interactive community allows for individuals, teams and leagues to come together through the use of an easy to use training platform. This application omits traditional costs, organizational impacts or time constraints that normally accompany face-to-face training events. It enables individuals, […]
The Aftermath of a Tough Soccer Season
I am no stranger to hard soccer seasons. Throughout my soccer career, I have only been on a handful of teams that I would say were truly successful. My freshman season of soccer at Guilford was nothing short of a tough one. We started out doing very well, with a 2-0 record in ODAC conference […]
Parenting From a Player’s Perspective
I owe a lot of my success as a player to my parents. Not only have they always provided the funds for my venture, but they also supported me in a positive manner. Too many young players have their potential impaired because of overly zealous parents. I know that parents have nothing but good intentions […]
The Importance of a Positive Attitude on the Soccer Field
The Struggle of Keeping a Positive Attitude on the Soccer Field Anyone who knows me well would agree with me when I say that I wear my emotions on my sleeve. Throughout my soccer career, one thing that I have always struggled with was keeping a positive attitude on the field. When things were not […]