Title: Energy Bull The following question came up the other day. At what point is it okay to say “No” to someone who invades your space? Everything has been going well for you. You are doing your own work and moving forward with your projects. All of a sudden someone else simply steps on your […]
Happy People
Change – Kai Ehnes
Title: Change I walked in on a conversation the other day between several men and women. The men were loud in their venting about various things their girlfriends were mad at them for. To avoid exposing anyone, let’s look at some generic examples like…you left the cap off of the toothpaste, why can’t you put […]
Freedom – Kai Ehnes
Title: Freedom I recently came across an article that discussed “debt free” freedom. There were many great techniques, for free I might add, that offered to help readers live debt free. Instead of repeating what the article, and numerous others, already present; I would like to take a look at the mindset of someone who […]
Simplify – Kai Ehnes
Title: Simplify Often in life, events come in small packages or chunks that by themselves seem harmless. Yet, somehow we sometimes find ourselves caught up in a very large web that gets us trapped far down a rabbit hole. At this point we tend to ask ourselves how we ended up there? Solution: on a […]
Inspiration – Kai Ehnes
Title: Inspiration Let’s take a look at inspiration. Here are some explanations: 1. a divine influence or action on a person 2. an animating action or influence 3. stimulation or arousal of the mind, feelings, etc, to special or unusual activity or creativity 4. the state or quality of being stimulated or aroused 5. an […]
Abundance – Kai Ehnes
Title: Abundance Abundance is one of my favorite topics. Peter Diamandis wrote an excellent book on the topic. Page after page he points out how we have abundance all around us. I highly recommend it. I believe in ABUNDANCE. I think there is always more, for and ahead of us. Don’t get me wrong, I […]